As the holiday season approaches, we at the Nordic Company like to impress upon our clients that there is no better time to start planning that memorable family vacation. By November, our dazzling 2009 brochure is off the press and ready to deliver to your door. We’ve just spent the last few months organizing new tours and revamping old ones, so we are practically bubbling over with eagerness to share with you this year’s latest knowledge and greatest tips. Furthermore, the generally gradual start to the travel season enables us to put a lot of care into your itineraries.
The holiday season enables you to get together with your family and discuss trip ideas in detail. Many of our clients come to us after Thanksgiving and having spoken with their family, they present us with a list of their travel ideas. The Nordic Company takes these ideas and turns them into a beautifully crafted, exceptionally memorable travel itinerary that will suit the whole family. Next time the family gathers, whether it be Christmas, Hannukah, or New Year’s, they can discuss the itinerary proposal, make amendments, and come back to us with a fine-tuned trip. Once all are in agreement, the Nordic Company will make the necessary adjustments and present the final product.
The best aspect of planning in the winter time is that you beat the springtime rush and you give yourself something to look forward to, just as the New Year begins. In the next few blogs, I’ll talk about some of the phenomenal tours we have for 2009 and some of the more unique independent itineraries that we have designed this past year. With a country as beautiful and rich as