World travelers are some of the most fascinating people to be found. Their clothes display an unconventional map of the world, their stories are eclectic and unrivaled, and their smiles reflect a depth and brilliance that can only be achieved by connecting with so many different kinds of people. It gives us continuous joy to know that our mission at the Nordic Company contributes daily to the creation of these types of interesting people.
Sometimes, on my lunch breaks, I wonder if these types of people ever settle down or if they are destined to eternally lead the life of the wayfarer? And if they do settle, where do they go? While I happened upon the “free town” of Christiana on one of my visits to Copenhagen in Denmark, I immediately had the sense that I had found that place.
Christiana is a self-governing neighborhood of approximately 850 residents on an abandoned military base in the Danish capital. It has been a source of controversy over the years, as the residents started out as squatters and the area was originally riddled with drug abuse issues, but it has since blossomed into a vibrant and breath-taking beautiful art community. A stroll through Christiana will afford you with views of intricate, colorful murals, whimsical, modern art homes, and dogs – lots and lots of dogs. The citizens of Christiana love their dogs, but they also love the land. Most of their homes and artwork are built from recycled materials and made to look new. They love conversation too. If you stop to talk to any of the locals, they will regale you with the rich history of the area and some stories of their own. Everyone that I have spoken to has an elaborate life story to tell and they emanate a sort of goodwill and free spirit characteristic of the world traveler.
The Nordic Company encourages you to check out Christiana, but we also warn you that it can be a source of conflict. The government is pushing to abolish the community, or at the very least, to normalize it under the rules that govern the rest of the city. The residents are adamant about keeping the area free of drugs and crimes, but it has a preceding reputation that is proving difficult to shake. On the famous “Pusher Street” no cameras are allowed for police reasons. The open sale of cannabis is still prevalent. If you want to visit the community, it is best to go during the middle of the day and with a group of people.
The Nordic Company strives to bring you the most unique niches in Scandinavia and introduce you to the wide variety of people that make up this very special part of the world.
Vigeland Park in Norway, Freetown Christiana in Denmark, and so many other destinations are waiting for your discovery and we’re happy to help.