You’ll not be long in Scandinavia before you realize just how much Norse mythology and folklore permeates their cultural identity. From the looming Viking ship in Oslo to the enchanting fables told by country folk, it is evident that Scandinavians remain in touch with their past.
Norse mythology and belief system is a pagan faith derived primarily from the Germanic people and Anglo-Saxon mythology – with a Scandinavian twist. The colorful Norse legends and religious practices have been passed down orally from the 11th – 18th centuries. At around the 18th century, a famous poet and politician of Iceland by the name of Snorri Sturlson, took it upon himself to record these tall tales and customs. He published two books, Eddas and Heimskringla. Both are praised for their detailed chronicling of Norse mythology.
There is too much information to share with you in one day regarding the complexities of the Norse faith, so over the weeks, I will introduce you to some of its basic concepts and more popular icons.
Scandinavians believed first in nine worlds or realms of existence; the world of Aesir, the world of Vanir, the world of humans, the world of fire, the world of ice, the world of the dead, and the worlds of elves, dwarves, and giants. Odin was their most highly revered god and the protector of the nine worlds. Most importantly, he was the god of war, death, wisdom, and poetry. He was usually depicted with two ravens on his shoulders, personifying Thought and Memory.
Many of our clients travel to Scandinavia solely to dig deeper into this enchanting world of Norse mythology, while others simply enjoy the story along with the scenery. Whatever you interest is, there is nothing that compliments the mystifying mountains, gleaming glaciers, and unique landscape of Scandinavia more than a tall tale of the North! Our tour guides offer excellent insight into the history and mythology of Scandinavia on our group tours and if you’re traveling independently, we always suggest striking up a conversation with a friendly local – they’ll have plenty to say!
Norse mythology and belief system is a pagan faith derived primarily from the Germanic people and Anglo-Saxon mythology – with a Scandinavian twist. The colorful Norse legends and religious practices have been passed down orally from the 11th – 18th centuries. At around the 18th century, a famous poet and politician of Iceland by the name of Snorri Sturlson, took it upon himself to record these tall tales and customs. He published two books, Eddas and Heimskringla. Both are praised for their detailed chronicling of Norse mythology.
There is too much information to share with you in one day regarding the complexities of the Norse faith, so over the weeks, I will introduce you to some of its basic concepts and more popular icons.
Scandinavians believed first in nine worlds or realms of existence; the world of Aesir, the world of Vanir, the world of humans, the world of fire, the world of ice, the world of the dead, and the worlds of elves, dwarves, and giants. Odin was their most highly revered god and the protector of the nine worlds. Most importantly, he was the god of war, death, wisdom, and poetry. He was usually depicted with two ravens on his shoulders, personifying Thought and Memory.
Many of our clients travel to Scandinavia solely to dig deeper into this enchanting world of Norse mythology, while others simply enjoy the story along with the scenery. Whatever you interest is, there is nothing that compliments the mystifying mountains, gleaming glaciers, and unique landscape of Scandinavia more than a tall tale of the North! Our tour guides offer excellent insight into the history and mythology of Scandinavia on our group tours and if you’re traveling independently, we always suggest striking up a conversation with a friendly local – they’ll have plenty to say!